thoughts of a butterfly

Friday, May 19, 2006

Well Jen and Hugh have upped and gone and I am in grieving. Man, life is quite painful sometimes but other times it is painfree. I guess it makes things more interesting. love valxx

Sunday, May 07, 2006

My best friends are off to live in London. I will be alone, alone like a ship in the ocean.
P.S: Well done Pickers...remember me when you are famous.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

1. Flip, I am now 30. Our party was the best party I have ever been too. It was flipping amazing. My enjoyment may have been enhanced by the glasses of red wine I drank but I am pretty sure it was wicked. I am however, a little annoyed that I said 'shit' in to the microphone 3 times as I had been telling people I've given up swearing.

2. I went to Alex and Charis' wedding yesterday. It was v cool but am annoyed that I owe Nikki Foot £10..the reason for this is I bet her £10 I would'nt cry during the wedding. The problem is it was all so flipping moving and unfortunately she noticed a tear rolling down my face. Darn it.