thoughts of a butterfly

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Things I am thankful for............

1. Where I am living as a) it is free b) I am living with Al and Nick B and I love them both c) It is creative d) it is spacious. For the time I spend in this house I am thankful.

2. Our Christmas was way cool and an answer to prayer as we prayed for a party full of people and joy and there were both. There was also a Christmas quiz with a prize which Jase, Andrew, Hu and Ben won...they are indeed clever but they were a bit too noisy when I was reading out the questions.

3. People... I love a lot of them but maybe not all.

I now am going to go and I am well excited about doing nothing this eve (apart from a bit of practise for a jazz gig on saturday eve...that is another thing I am thankful for cos I love singing and playing the guitar)
love val austx


  • At 5:23 AM, Blogger JoeyD said…

    I liked your party. I thought you read out the questions in the quiz very nicely, but jase's team were very naughty and loud. I ate too many crisps that night.


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